Tuesday, June 27, 2006 

Time after time

Some people think the future is simply a lame concept to keep one from living for the day. In some extreme cases, they call it a '****ing concept' that deters one from cherishing the moment.

Often that category of people end up being the self destructive lot intent on wasting their lives away. I don't see how thinking about your future has any detrimental effect on you achieving joy for the present day. If you think working hard is a form of sufferring, then maybe so, but yet I don't perceive it to be so. Working often gives me a sense of fulfillment and thus, joy, and also at the same time, I'm carving a better future for myself.

Having that said, I am NOT relishing my new job. It's just a temp job that lasts for slightly over a month, but already I'm half dreading it, though I'll list the great parts of it later.

1) Naggy boss. 'nuff said.

then again having a naggy boss is better than having a fierce boss.

2) lousy pantry

No food in the pantry!

3) Naggy boss

Oh, I mentioned that already? did i mention how she rambles on and on and on and on and on like how I am typing on and on and on and on and on like this? Today I got so increasing fed up with her endless rambling sessions I had to intersect her talking and change the topic. Her rambling sessions often leave me with little opportunity to give coherent replies except for tons of 'uh huhs' and 'no problems'

I have to admit that my friends and I are rather mean in that we have taken an inclination to holding discussions on whether she's married or not. hehe. But still I think my boss is rather nice, just naggy. My friend would beg to differ.

anyhow, on an unrelated note, I've to learn not to keep bottling up stuff within myself. And also, this post is not really meant to be an entirely coherent post, I just wanted to let people know I'm in on a new writing project, The Pink Blog with a few other writers so do lend me your full support!

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