Sometimes, when people question me about my religion or ask me things pertaining to my faith in order to strike up a conversation (lousy ice-breaker, I must add), the conversation often leads to big bulging eyes and jaw-dropped, tongue tied expressions - followed by a remark that I often hate: "you're a hardcore Christian".
Now, being labelled 'hardcore' ranks high on my abhorrence list. It's like no. 1 on my 10 Commandments of Getting Along With Raymond : never ever call me hardcore. it irks me so much because of many reasons:
1) what? you don't know better words to use to describe me and other Christians? You watch too much porn already is it? Only know of the 1 word which comes to your mind inevitably?!
2) hardcore makes me seem like some looney, psychotic zealot. I'm just a staunch Christian, not a schizo nutcase. =D And by the way, atheists who are 'hardcore' are not dubbed 'hardcore' but rather, 'militant atheists' or 'angry atheists'. Sounds a lot less insulting right? Of course, being labelled a 'militant Christian' would be in itself an oxymoron, and the impression it creates is... well, undesirable.
3) 'hardcore' sounds stupid.
the stigma attached to being branded a 'hardcore' Christian is quite a burden to carry. when word spreads that you're a 'hardcore' Christian, it sometimes leads to raised eyebrows, awkward stares, even blatant avoidance. Quite a burden to carry, I must mention.
But at the end of the day, I'm proud to be a Christian. People say Christians are sheep; I say Christians stand out. My faith, beliefs and values defines my individuality and identity a lot. I mean, com'on, which guy nowadays doesn't believe in pre marital sex, getting drunk, getting into fist fights and would rather visit the elderly in his spare time? people might perceive me as an anomaly in the human species (what the heck.) but it's that risk that drives me on sometimes. You know, that living on the edge, putting myself in the Ridicule Spotlight and making myself highly vulnerable to mockery and gossip. it makes me feel different and unique! And I strangely derive some silly satisfaction from that. heh.
Having said that,
Marilyn puts it really well. Why do
some atheists quote from the bible to substantiate their arguments when they don't even believe in the bible anyway? Half the time, their arguments are flawed because their knowledge of the bible is so limited. Food for thought.
Life in camp is rocky, full of misunderstandings and backbiting, but I know God will see me through. It's never easy to be in the position of an IC, but what God appointed me to be He'll give the grace to let me accomplish it. I'm fine, guys!