(Note to all: This post will mention certain bloggers in it. Please do not be offended, if you are mentioned, if I dare to mention you out here, it means I read your blogs and like them generally. This post is about bad blogger aliases. Nothing to do with the blogs itself.)
Recently, I felt very burdened about certain issues, and one of them has had such a dire effect on me, I could not help but slip in thoughts about the subject throughout the day. Yes, in case you haven't exactly grown a brain, my title says it all: bad blogger names.
I'm extremely affected by people using bad blogging aliases/nicknames. Ok correction, not affected, just irritated. For an avid blogder like me, I've realized that blogging monikers reveal a facet of your personality, and more often than not, your blogging aliases give readers a very important first impression for you. Which is precisely why I feel so jittery when I see people using bad blogger nicknames, because blogging nicknames really should show off your online persona, ya know. But I've realized that many bloggers, including some famous ones, have chosen to throw this consideration into thin air and entirely disregarded the importance of having meaning to a blogging nickname.
First stop, there's the sexually ambiguous ones. What I strongly feel is that, if you have drag fantasies or homosexual tendencies, keeping them to your private self would be ideal. Showing off that side of you to the world just isn't very desirable.
I have to name names. Ok ok, Vandice, I'm sorry, but whoever would have guessed that you were a male? I read your blog and love it, but initially when I stumbled upon your blogging nickname, and saw your profile picture, I couldn't have guessed that you were a guy. I mean, what kind of male name is Vandice? Perhaps it could have been the name of a significant person in your life? Either way, this just sound right. I might as well have just called myself Lindsey or some other name like that, if I wanted to keep my sex a mystery. Which isn't good, because i realize the possibility of attracting hot chicks through my blog. I wouldn't want gay men flocking after me. And what's with the profile picture!
Then there's Tinkertailor. I couldn't freaking tell that he was a 'he' until I read other bloggers referring to him as a 'he'. God knows why any normal grown male would choose to take on a name that sends serious schoolgirl-vibes throughout the blogosphere. I mean, doesn't that name remind you of Tinker Belle, that sneaky little pixie in Peter Pan? And I'm like, tinkertailor... hmm sounds like a pubescent schoolgirl stuck with her little Barbie doll collection. Wouldn't any ego loving normal guy choose to name himself something like Mr Moron to earn brownie points with the chicks? A good blogging name can drastically up your cool factor, ya know. (ok, forgive me for my self indulgence.. and lack of humility)And for the remote chance that you're reading this, I'm totally for your blog. I just have a problem with the nickname, so no offences man.
Ok, then there's those that just doesn't make any sense at all. I've always been a huge follower of Gabriel's blog since way back. And I'm sure as hell glad that he chose to reveal his real name, because no one in the freaking world would want to call him Agagooga by mouth. I'm still trying to get that whole word wrapped around my brain. I don't know what that nickname means, or if it's supposed to mean anything at all. I was thinking about it once, and I believed it was the noise babies make, ya know... "GAAAA....Gooo....GAAA!". Something of that sort. Either way, trust me, if the meaning of his name (of thereof) already confounds you, you wouldn't want to read his blog. You'll just feel intellectually inadequate trying to decipher the mensa-esque mumbo jumbo on his blog.
Next up are the typical schoolgirl cutesy names, like *~mImI~* or MyDarLinGrOx!!~~^_^. Of course, these names are rather ubiquitous, and are rampant among the secondary school-ish blogs. Of course, there're the fair share of more prominent bloggers using act-cutish names, but no point mentioning them here.
Ok, then there're the downright ridiculous ones.SmalldickBig**** would be an example. Ok this one's self explanatory. 'Nuff said.
I kind of understand bloggers want cool nicknames to make them sound hip and all, but they really need to find something that symbolises something about them. I have often wondered what the famous blogging daddy mrbrown's name means. I thought he was named after James Brown, but then again, that theory's rather plausible.
There's also the bloggers who use their own names as their blogging monikers, which I have nothing against, except that it's boring and dull, and now even cliched. Before it was like all cool and unique and a way of showing you are being yourself, but now it's just boring meaningless. Of course, if you want to use your real name as your nickname, you can add a touch of class to it by shortening it. For example my co-blogger's nick, lyn, is a great example. It's the short form of Marilyn, but it makes people think it was originally Lynn, minus the 2nd 'n'. Now that is such a cool nick! Heh.
Finally, for the sake of equality, do not pick a chinese hanyu pinyin nickname for goodness sake. I mean, even if it's a local blog, not all the readers out there understand chinese, and they wouldn't even know how to pronounce the nicknames properly. Isn't that tantamount to discrimination? And oh, if you have your blogging moniker pronounced as 'Xia-suay'(hokkien for lose face) on National Television, then you know it's time for you to seriously consider changing your blogging name.
Yikes. I better stop this post now before I get over-zealous fans slinging mud at me. I have better things to do with my time than clearing hate mail in my email account.
Blogger names I like:
ms beautifuk
It seems females generally have better taste in names than males, sad to say.
And yes, I know what you are thinking. Like my name says, I'm indeed a moron. well, that's the point, yeah. At least my name is the way I am.
Recently, I felt very burdened about certain issues, and one of them has had such a dire effect on me, I could not help but slip in thoughts about the subject throughout the day. Yes, in case you haven't exactly grown a brain, my title says it all: bad blogger names.
I'm extremely affected by people using bad blogging aliases/nicknames. Ok correction, not affected, just irritated. For an avid blogder like me, I've realized that blogging monikers reveal a facet of your personality, and more often than not, your blogging aliases give readers a very important first impression for you. Which is precisely why I feel so jittery when I see people using bad blogger nicknames, because blogging nicknames really should show off your online persona, ya know. But I've realized that many bloggers, including some famous ones, have chosen to throw this consideration into thin air and entirely disregarded the importance of having meaning to a blogging nickname.
First stop, there's the sexually ambiguous ones. What I strongly feel is that, if you have drag fantasies or homosexual tendencies, keeping them to your private self would be ideal. Showing off that side of you to the world just isn't very desirable.
I have to name names. Ok ok, Vandice, I'm sorry, but whoever would have guessed that you were a male? I read your blog and love it, but initially when I stumbled upon your blogging nickname, and saw your profile picture, I couldn't have guessed that you were a guy. I mean, what kind of male name is Vandice? Perhaps it could have been the name of a significant person in your life? Either way, this just sound right. I might as well have just called myself Lindsey or some other name like that, if I wanted to keep my sex a mystery. Which isn't good, because i realize the possibility of attracting hot chicks through my blog. I wouldn't want gay men flocking after me. And what's with the profile picture!
Then there's Tinkertailor. I couldn't freaking tell that he was a 'he' until I read other bloggers referring to him as a 'he'. God knows why any normal grown male would choose to take on a name that sends serious schoolgirl-vibes throughout the blogosphere. I mean, doesn't that name remind you of Tinker Belle, that sneaky little pixie in Peter Pan? And I'm like, tinkertailor... hmm sounds like a pubescent schoolgirl stuck with her little Barbie doll collection. Wouldn't any ego loving normal guy choose to name himself something like Mr Moron to earn brownie points with the chicks? A good blogging name can drastically up your cool factor, ya know. (ok, forgive me for my self indulgence.. and lack of humility)And for the remote chance that you're reading this, I'm totally for your blog. I just have a problem with the nickname, so no offences man.
Ok, then there's those that just doesn't make any sense at all. I've always been a huge follower of Gabriel's blog since way back. And I'm sure as hell glad that he chose to reveal his real name, because no one in the freaking world would want to call him Agagooga by mouth. I'm still trying to get that whole word wrapped around my brain. I don't know what that nickname means, or if it's supposed to mean anything at all. I was thinking about it once, and I believed it was the noise babies make, ya know... "GAAAA....Gooo....GAAA!". Something of that sort. Either way, trust me, if the meaning of his name (of thereof) already confounds you, you wouldn't want to read his blog. You'll just feel intellectually inadequate trying to decipher the mensa-esque mumbo jumbo on his blog.
Next up are the typical schoolgirl cutesy names, like *~mImI~* or MyDarLinGrOx!!~~^_^. Of course, these names are rather ubiquitous, and are rampant among the secondary school-ish blogs. Of course, there're the fair share of more prominent bloggers using act-cutish names, but no point mentioning them here.
Ok, then there're the downright ridiculous ones.
I kind of understand bloggers want cool nicknames to make them sound hip and all, but they really need to find something that symbolises something about them. I have often wondered what the famous blogging daddy mrbrown's name means. I thought he was named after James Brown, but then again, that theory's rather plausible.
There's also the bloggers who use their own names as their blogging monikers, which I have nothing against, except that it's boring and dull, and now even cliched. Before it was like all cool and unique and a way of showing you are being yourself, but now it's just boring meaningless. Of course, if you want to use your real name as your nickname, you can add a touch of class to it by shortening it. For example my co-blogger's nick, lyn, is a great example. It's the short form of Marilyn, but it makes people think it was originally Lynn, minus the 2nd 'n'. Now that is such a cool nick! Heh.
Finally, for the sake of equality, do not pick a chinese hanyu pinyin nickname for goodness sake. I mean, even if it's a local blog, not all the readers out there understand chinese, and they wouldn't even know how to pronounce the nicknames properly. Isn't that tantamount to discrimination? And oh, if you have your blogging moniker pronounced as 'Xia-suay'(hokkien for lose face) on National Television, then you know it's time for you to seriously consider changing your blogging name.
Yikes. I better stop this post now before I get over-zealous fans slinging mud at me. I have better things to do with my time than clearing hate mail in my email account.
Blogger names I like:
ms beautifuk
It seems females generally have better taste in names than males, sad to say.
And yes, I know what you are thinking. Like my name says, I'm indeed a moron. well, that's the point, yeah. At least my name is the way I am.
beautifuk leh. not ful. :)
Posted by
Unknown |
12:16 AM
Believe it or not, there *is* a story behind my nickname :)
Posted by
Agagooga |
4:32 PM