We are what we always do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit. -- Aristotle.
Last saturday, as my cell group hung out for fellowship at KFC at Plaza Sing, I was really convicted and inspired by Alvin's great attitude of excellence for God. He was telling us some examples of how he was in camp... how we must have the conviction to excel for God... how we must really have the Spirit of excellence in us... and yeah.. I guess it's good to want to learn new stuff and to face each day with a positive attitude... but that alone is not enough... we really have to take the initiative to go the extra mile and to really excel and shine for God. My gosh, looking at my own capabilities and my personality and character, I'm starting to doubt that I can really do great stuff for God in camp. Yeah, but oh well, I'll walk in faith and not by sight! I must stop having doubts.
Anyway this week have been really really really hectic for me. Almost everyday I had to stay back overtime. Even the earlier shuttle bus i took from my camp was 6.30. I was so dead tired these few days, I didn't do my quiet time for a few of the days... just lied on my bed and slept. Anyway I've not made much progress with the invitation for my church Big Day... I haven't even tried inviting my bro! I really have to work about it. I'm really really tired and stressed and haven't been faithful in inviting my friends... I'll have to find rest in God again!
Yesterday was great though. All my superiors were thankfully in a good mood... thursday a lot of them went to play pool and drinking and some of them were drunk so on friday they were still not back in their normal condition... thankfully on thursday I managed to evade the whole thing... they wanted to drag me to go drinking with them... thankfully i managed to evade so could go home and watch NARUTO!!! and Singapore IDOL!!! Yesterday was also great coz I went to my district that I usually go to for my Elderly ministry... and we had saturation... which means we go from door to door to invite the elderly to church. Some of them were really open. It was great. From 2 blocks alone, we got about 22 interested people. It was awesome! Our target was only 20. Hmm anyway I think doing the saturation with Maria ( one of the head dialect leaders, full time church worker) and Esther ( a former dialect leader, now cgl in the making i think) was really good, learnt some stuff from them. The saturation was really fruitful. Praise the Lord!
Oh the Get a Life card just sent us the email last week, saying all the Get a Life Card members will get a free makeover at Red Earth!!! Woo Hoo! I'm going to do the makeover with Xiuzhi (great friend of mine) one of these days. Free!!! What a deal. Mi gosh. Then when makeover le, I will be a shuai ge and all the girls will drool when they see me!! YAY!!!! :D
Last saturday, as my cell group hung out for fellowship at KFC at Plaza Sing, I was really convicted and inspired by Alvin's great attitude of excellence for God. He was telling us some examples of how he was in camp... how we must have the conviction to excel for God... how we must really have the Spirit of excellence in us... and yeah.. I guess it's good to want to learn new stuff and to face each day with a positive attitude... but that alone is not enough... we really have to take the initiative to go the extra mile and to really excel and shine for God. My gosh, looking at my own capabilities and my personality and character, I'm starting to doubt that I can really do great stuff for God in camp. Yeah, but oh well, I'll walk in faith and not by sight! I must stop having doubts.
Anyway this week have been really really really hectic for me. Almost everyday I had to stay back overtime. Even the earlier shuttle bus i took from my camp was 6.30. I was so dead tired these few days, I didn't do my quiet time for a few of the days... just lied on my bed and slept. Anyway I've not made much progress with the invitation for my church Big Day... I haven't even tried inviting my bro! I really have to work about it. I'm really really tired and stressed and haven't been faithful in inviting my friends... I'll have to find rest in God again!
Yesterday was great though. All my superiors were thankfully in a good mood... thursday a lot of them went to play pool and drinking and some of them were drunk so on friday they were still not back in their normal condition... thankfully on thursday I managed to evade the whole thing... they wanted to drag me to go drinking with them... thankfully i managed to evade so could go home and watch NARUTO!!! and Singapore IDOL!!! Yesterday was also great coz I went to my district that I usually go to for my Elderly ministry... and we had saturation... which means we go from door to door to invite the elderly to church. Some of them were really open. It was great. From 2 blocks alone, we got about 22 interested people. It was awesome! Our target was only 20. Hmm anyway I think doing the saturation with Maria ( one of the head dialect leaders, full time church worker) and Esther ( a former dialect leader, now cgl in the making i think) was really good, learnt some stuff from them. The saturation was really fruitful. Praise the Lord!
Oh the Get a Life card just sent us the email last week, saying all the Get a Life Card members will get a free makeover at Red Earth!!! Woo Hoo! I'm going to do the makeover with Xiuzhi (great friend of mine) one of these days. Free!!! What a deal. Mi gosh. Then when makeover le, I will be a shuai ge and all the girls will drool when they see me!! YAY!!!! :D
omg! i must have missed it... =(
btw you're a getalife card member? coolz~
Posted by
lyn |
7:58 AM